Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Adobe Spark Project - Chapitre 10


•  Login to Adobe Spark with your personal gmail address

•  Click the yellow + button

•  Click 'video'  (the red button)

•  Title your project "Hier Soir"

•  Click "Start from scratch"

•  In the upper right hand corner, click "Layout" and then click "Two Things"

You will create a timeline of what the Homme Mystérieux did yesterday and what you and your friends did at the same time.
You can also say what you didn't do....example:  nous n'avons pas regardé de film à la télé, nous avons regardé un match de foot.


Start with Slide #1.   The left photo might be a house in a little village at night and the right photo might be a photo of where you live in Paris.   You will then orally record for Slide #1 :

 "L'homme mystérieux a quitté sa maison dans son petit village à onze heures du soir et j'ai mangé avec mes amis à onze heures du soir"

Do not write any sentences on your slides, only record your voice for each slide.

You will create a minimum of 12 slides explaining what happened between 10:30pm and 1:30am

(what happened to l'homme mystérieux and what happened to you and your friends....remember, you are at home and you watched a soccer game)

due 17 fév